Going analogue

Remember me saying I would share some of my analogue experiments with you? The time has come! (Took me only a little bit more than 7 months…)

About a week ago I got back in to the dark territories of analogue photography once again – and also got back all those butterflies in my stomach. The good kind of butterflies. I have never been much into kinky stuff but the red lights of a photo lab give me goosebumps.

I was borrowed a beautiful Lubitel2 to play with. God, that device needs a completely new set of mind! And one learns to appreciate rules like the Sunny f/16 even more, especially when their light meter decides to retire itself. (By the way, this Android App works surprisingly good.)

The first roll has been exposed and developed. My eyes are still not to be trusted when it comes to sharpness but that’s not new. (Autofocus is my very best friend for a reason.) Nevertheless, lessons learnt. Here come two of my shots: exported4 The second roll is loaded and I walk the streets of Haarlem and Amsterdam like a looney accompanied by my old school camera(s). I just ordered about a dozen rolls of expired 35 mm films (for my Minolta) so I think this fever will last for quite a while. (Well… If it’s up to me it will never end.)

Oh, and I made my very first photogram this week. Have I mentioned I’m deeply in love?

(To be continued…)

Some offers that worth to be checked out, should you be on the hunt:

The Big Darkroom Project – stage 4

Well, in the end I gave up on the idea of my very own darkroom—at least for the time being: I do not spend enough time at my mum’s place in Hungary, where the darkroom was about to be built, and it’s also not a cheap hobby, let’s be honest. Even though I have like 95% of the gear there is still quite some money to invest: I’m missing lenses for the enlarger(s), some filters would be handy, the sink is still to be installed, not to mention chemicals to purchase.

I’ve found the best rental darkroom in Budapest though with superb supervision assistance if needed where I plan to spend quite some time whenever I’m home in Hungary: lab4art. It’s a nice pro lab in the center with lovely people to guide you around the place and/or through the process. Darkrooms you can rent on an hourly/daily basis with or without assistance for a reasonable price—or you can attend their workshop(s) to learn how the whole thing works.

I will share some of my first experiments with you in the coming days as I developed some pictures taken by my father in the 1970’s. So much fun—and so much to learn. Just another part of photography I instantly fell in love with.

The Big Darkroom Project – stage 3

I have not given up yet, I was just busy finding a workshop.

I am happy to announce that 25th January I am going to spend in a real, professional darkroom, inhaling all the chemicals and wisdom on enlarging. Should you speak Hungarian, have the chance to spend a couple of days in Budapest and feel the urge to attend the very same event, please do join me for next week’s Analóg szombat by Lab4art.

This also means I have about one week and a half to get the sink and make the place dark.

Never before I have sought the darkness at the end of the tunnel…

The Big Darkroom Project – stage 2

A dustless room I have now that is still not dark. It is full of stuff I haven’t even seen for over a decade though. I think I am going to go for some workshop to lower the risk of making major mistakes.

I also need to find in the attic/buy/make and install a pretty sink then I am good to go. I wish there was a (preferably hot) handyman around to take care of this part.

Two articles I’ve found very helpful so far:

To be continued…

The Big Darkroom Project – stage 1

There is a tiny little room in my parents’ house that would make a perfect darkroom. I could finally develop all the pictures I took with my middle-aged Minolta or kind-of-old Zenit. I could make a dream of mine come true.

I also have everything but chemicals so there is no way to make any further excuses, I gotta get that room cleared and make it my very own hiding place.

I am going there right now and will make things happen.

I will keep you posted.

*steps fading away*
